Международный научно-общественный журнал "DOGMA"
Электронный научный журнал


Экономические науки
Strategic planning as the main method of state regulation
Muratova R.A. 1, Tashenova M.K. 2

1. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department "Economics and Management" KazUMoWL them. Abylai Khan, Almaty, Kazakhstan
2. teacher Department of Economics and Management KazUMOiWLAim Abylai Khan, Almaty, Kazakhstan


of the economy. The article analyzes the evolution of the TPK in the republic and the transition to cluster systems. There are various forms and levels of strategic planning. The paper analyzes the tasks of strategic planning at the present stage of development of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The paper presents the types of indicative planning and identifies particular features of the application of one type or another in various types of economic systems. The directions and forms of development of strategic plans of the Republic of Kazakhstan are considered.

Keywords: development strategy, clusters, indicative plans, forecasts.

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