Международный научно-общественный журнал "DOGMA"
Электронный научный журнал


Экономические науки
Television as an advertising platform: the specifics of advertising displayed in the morning program
Abdashova P.O. 1

1. Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi. 2nd year Masters student


Today, the right choice of an advertising platform directly affects its effectiveness. Among the mass media, such as the social network, the Internet, radio, television, television advertising is still considered the most expensive, reliable and effective. The word "prime time" (the most convenient time, the best time) this is the "golden" time when the recipient of information is most actively in contact with the information channel during the day. Using the example of this article, we will try to study the effectiveness of advertising in a TV program, online advertising, or a morning program.

Keywords: television, Internet, advertising, prime time, morning program, target audience, target, content

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