Международный научно-общественный журнал "DOGMA"
Электронный научный журнал


Филологические науки
The meaning of the category of “communication” based on the formation of intercultural and communicative competence
Turginbayev A.M. 1

1. The Professor of the Department of professional and psychological training and management of the Department of internal affairs, PhD


This paper discusses the basic definitions of "communication", compares the views of domestic and foreign scientists in this field. These definitions reveal the basis of intercultural communicative competence. The formation of intercultural communicative competence is the main goal of foreign language education. For the formation of this competency, the necessary types of abilities are noted, which are very important in mastering intercultural communicative competence.

Keywords: communication, process, competence, ability, interactive activity, opinion, the personality, the cross-cultural - communicative competence, communication, the competent personality, opinion, final decision

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