Международный научно-общественный журнал "DOGMA"
Электронный научный журнал


Юридические науки
Problems of international adoption in Kazakhstan
Urazaliyeva SH.A. 1, Bayseitova A.T. 2

1. Master of KazUIR and WLU named after Abylai Khan
2. Research supervisor: Doctor of Law, Professor


This article defines the concept of "terms of adoption," analyzes certain conditions of international adoption. The author aimed to emphasize the relevance of the topic, to determine the basic conditions and legal basis for the implementation of international adoption, to identify the problems and prospects of this institute in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Keywords: International adoption, adoption conditions, consent of the adoptive parent, child development, family attitude, guardianship, child psychology, adoption procedure, legislation, court, law.

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