Международный научно-общественный журнал "DOGMA"
Электронный научный журнал


Юридические науки
Legal customs as a source of the civil legal system of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Қурмантай Е. 1, Мороз С.П. 2

1. Магистрант 1 курса ВШП «Әділет» Каспийского общественного университета
2. Научный руководитель: д.ю.н, профессор


The rule of conduct, considered as a custom, should be stable and generally recognized in the relevant field of entrepreneurial activity, "established and widely applied". According to the form of its expression, it can be oral or written, recorded in a document. It is important that by their purpose and nature they belong to the group of sources of Kazakh civil law applied in the field of civil and business turnover on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Customs are a source of obligation, not property law. Therefore, in the Civil Code they are called business customs, and in a number of other laws trade customs. Outside of business relations, business customs (trade customs) are not considered sources of Kazakh civil law.

Keywords: customs, civil law, commercial law, entrepreneurship.

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