Международный научно-общественный журнал "DOGMA"
Электронный научный журнал


Юридические науки
Modernization of international norms of private law
Baizhomartova K.A. 2, Uteshova N. 1

1. Masters Specialties in Masters program "6M030200 International Law" Kazakh State University International Relations and International Relations the Abylai Khan
2. Candidate of juridical science, the leading international department of the international law of the Kazakh language and international relations the Abylai Khan


The main item of the article is the codification of the norms of international law, as well as the formulation of new principles and application of international instruments for the settlement of the dispute between the states of the Contracting Parties in the field of quality of the contract.

Keywords: codification, Unification, Collision-Legal Norms, International Private Law.

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