Международный научно-общественный журнал "DOGMA"
Электронный научный журнал


Юридические науки
Some theoretical aspects of a criminal offense in the field of information and communication
Baizhomartova K.A. 2, Serikbay M.E. 1

1. Masters degree student of scientific and pedagogical masters degree in "6M030200 International law" of the Kazakh University of international relations and world languages Abylai Khan
2. Candidate of juridical science, the leading international department of the international law of the Kazakh language and international relations the Abylai Khan


This article highlights some of the problematic aspects of the regulation of liability for offenses in the field of informatization and communication under the new criminal legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also discusses some of the problems arising in the fight against offenses in the use of computer technology and ways to solve them.

Keywords: information, communication, offense, cybercrime, information security, computer offense.

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