Международный научно-общественный журнал "DOGMA"
Электронный научный журнал


Педагогические науки
Efficiency of using innovative technologies in higher education
Kaliev A.M. 1, Baisymakova D.S. 2

1. candidate of law, associate Professor International law Kazakh University of international relation and world languages name of Abylai Khan
2. senior lecturer of the Department International law Kazakh University of international relation and world languages name of Abylai Khan


Today, special attention is paid to the development of the innovative potential of the higher education system. Innovative educational technologies imply a purposeful, meaningful change in pedagogical activity through the development and introduction in educational institutions of pedagogical and managerial innovations: the new content of education, upbringing, management; new ways of working, new means, organizational forms. This article reveals an understanding of innovation in higher education through consideration of key characteristics forming a "portrait of an innovative educational institution". Different levels of innovation are distinguished, depending on the degree of novelty of the elements of educational practice. Describes the constructive characteristics of innovation, which can act as criteria for innovation in education.

Keywords: innovations, technologies, modernization of education, innovations, innovation.

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