Международный научно-общественный журнал "DOGMA"
Электронный научный журнал


Юридические науки
Some issues of development of the juvenile justice system in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Syzdykova A.A. 1

1. International law senior lecturer of the Department KazUIR & WL named Abylaykhan Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty


In the article are considered some of the priorities of the development of the system of law in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Otherwise, the process of reviewing the criminal case files with the specialized district courts. There are questions about the creation of the subdivisions, the Ministry of Education, judges and advocates. In addition, a comparative analysis of the juvenile justice system of foreign countries provides for the improvement of the juvenile justice system in Kazakhstan.

Keywords: court for minors, the lawyer, the lawful representative, the teacher, the psychologist, the system of juvenile justice, juvenile prosecutors office.

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