Международный научно-общественный журнал "DOGMA"
Электронный научный журнал


Юридические науки
On the issue of recognition of transactions as invalid under civil law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (from the practice of courts)
Kzylhodzhaev A.G. 1

1. Undergraduate student of the 2nd course of the Faculty of Humanities and Economics (GEF) of the International University SILKWAY


This article analyzes the institution of invalidity of transactions in the civil law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It justifies the importance of this institution in protecting the legitimate property rights of citizens. The focus is on the classification of invalid transactions and the differences between void and voidable transactions in Kazakhstan legislation. The article also presents examples from judicial practice on the recognition of transactions as void and the application of the consequences of their invalidity.

Keywords: transaction, civil law, legality, invalidity of a transaction, insignificant transaction, a disputable transaction.

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