Международный научно-общественный журнал "DOGMA"
Электронный научный журнал


Юридические науки
The transnational nature of modern terrorism and extremism: realities and features of criminal offenses
Kuchukov K.М. 1, Aidarbekov D.N. 2

1. Scientific adviser, candidate of jurisprudence, associate professor
2. Masters degree student of profile magistracy Specialty «6M030200 – International law» Kazakh University of International relations and world languages named after Abylai Khan, Almaty


The article presents the measures of prevention of criminal offences containing elements of terrorism and extremism. The scientific work of domestic lawyers, where special attention is paid to the serious consequences of terrorist and extremist acts, and point to the main problems of combating this crime. Thus, terrorism and extremism are not only a threat to an individual state, but also a potential danger to the whole world.

Keywords: international terrorism, political extremism, criminal offenses, prevention and fight against terrorism, global war on international terrorism, types of terrorism in Central Asia, religious terrorism.

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