Международный научно-общественный журнал "DOGMA"
Электронный научный журнал


Юридические науки
Involvement of minors in the Commission of an administrative offence
Doszhanov B.B. 1, Zhumabekov O.D. 2

1. Scientific adviser, Ph.D., Senior teacher
2. Masters degree in 6M030100-Jurisprudence Institute of History and Law KazNPU them. Abaya


The article deals with the objective analysis of political, socio-economic and legal conditions and processes occurring in the state, which have an impact on the formation of the legal status of minors, mediated not only by measures of state influence, but also the laws of the formation of the way of life, consciousness and behavior of minors at all age stages of their development.

Keywords: rights and freedoms of minors, interests of minors, law, state, dysfunctional family, parents, child´s personality.

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